Our company began its activities in 1999, during which time the company has evolved from a trading organization into a broad-based trading and manufacturing company. LLC AgroSoyKomplekt today has manufacturing enterprises both in Central Russia and the Far East, thereby covering the entire territory of our country.
The main lines of business of LLC AgroSoyKomplekt:
- Production of soybean meal and soybean oil, full-fat extruded soy, highly nutritious extruded mixtures and concentrates.
- The sale of high-quality soybeans genetically unmodified varieties. 70% of the soybeans that we sell and process are grown in the Far East (Amur Region, Jewish Autonomous Region)
- We provide services for the acceptance and shipment of your soybeans from all our branches.

- LLC "AgroSoyKomplekt" Moscow - head office
- LLC "ASK-Belogorye" Belgorod region
- LLC "ASK-Birobidzhan" Birobidzhan
- LLC "ASK-Amur" Belogorsk
- LLC "ASK-Dalnerechensk" Primorsky Territory
All manufactures are equipped with modern equipment and railway dead ends. Our customers are always confident that their applications will be completed on time and in full since even under force majeure circumstances, one production insures another, we will always execute what we promise.

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2020"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2020"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2018"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2017"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2016"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2015"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2014"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2013"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2011".

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2010"

The company "AgroSoyKomplekt" took part in the exhibition "Grain-Feed-Veterinary Medicine - 2009"